Anonymous Influencer for Amazon – Worth the Cost?

Anonymous Influencer Hero

For me, buildable passive income is the holy grail of revenue streams. And nothing I’ve tried has paid off as quickly as what I learned in the Anonymous Influencer course. I paid nearly double to be a beta member because I was so impressed with this program and the crew behind it.

In my first 30 days, I made over $1,700 in commissions and my daily commissions keep going up.

Some of the students that got approved ahead of me have already had $14,000+ months. I am confident I can get to that.

The Anonymous Influencer Course just launched on November 25th, 2022. So this is a very new opportunity with incredible potential.

There are pros and cons to taking this course. So let’s break it down!

Table of Contents

What's the Gist?

First, you need to get approved as an Amazon Influencer.

Then, you need to get approved for onsite commissions. This is where the magic happens.

With onsite commissions, your product review videos show up on Amazon product pages.

This may not sound incredible because any Amazon Affiliate knows that their commission percentages are abysmal. Like 1-4% commissions. BUT the magic is in the volume of views and clicks your videos get simply by being on the product pages.

You make quick home videos reviewing products. Those videos can earn you commissions every day.

You don’t need to be an influencer to get into this. You don’t have to buy products. You just need to get approved and review products you have access to.

The Anonymous Influencer course not only teaches you how to get through all of the hurdles. But you’ll also learn how to create videos that will actually earn you commissions and how to build upon those earnings.

Who Are The Teachers?

The “Digital Marketing Misfits” are a crew of honest, hardworking people who turned to making money online during the pandemic. They are generous with their time and knowledge. I appreciate how authentic they each are and how they clearly enjoy seeing others succeed. When you’re working with any of this crew, it feels like we are all in this together, helping each other grow.

In many ways, I joined this course to be in daily contact with these amazing people:

The Pros & Cons of the Anonymous Influencer Course

Pros - Why I Recommend This Course

Amazon is exceptionally OPAQUE. This entire process of getting approved, figuring out what videos work, and getting your videos published is absolute guesswork. And the approval process can take up to 6 weeks so it isn’t something you want to get wrong.

The Misfits spent nearly six months pushing ALL the boundaries they could come up with. A few of them dealt with multiple rejections from Amazon as they pushed the limits of the program to figure out what works and what doesn’t work. Then they tested their lessons on a beta group to prove the model.

Taking this course will save you time and get you earning faster. And you can easily make back the cost of the course within your first month of earnings. And then you are earning buildable passive income with the knowledge to know what works and what doesn’t. You aren’t going at it blind.

On top of that, they teach you ways to repurpose your videos to earn even more on the work you’ve already done.

This is, without question, a “blue ocean.” A brand new opportunity with plenty of space for everyone to make a solid income. The last time it was this easy for me was back in 2011 when SEO was simple and I could get websites to rank in the top 5 search results. This isn’t something to sit on. You’ll want to take advantage of this opportunity as soon as you can.

Cons - Why You Might Skip This Course & Try On Your Own

The course isn’t cheap. The Misfits passed up a lot of earnings to test the Amazon program and build out this course so we all could succeed. They also know that us students make back our costs quickly once approved. For that, they are charging a solid price.

Not only is the course not cheap, but earnings are slow at the beginning. The approval process can take up to 6 weeks. Then you’ll need to get all of your videos published and they can take a week or so to show up on product pages. Once you start earning commissions, Amazon doesn’t pay out those commissions for 60-90 days (60 days after the last day of the month you earned the commission). So making your money back will be slow to start.

You can piece together some information from Amazon’s guidelines, Reddit threads, and YouTube videos. I spent some time researching to see if there was solid free information and found it all vague, conflicting, or straight-up confusing. It was worth it to me to pay for the course so I could get a clearer understanding of what exactly I should be doing. The course helped me get approved as fast as possible so I could start earning.


  • Saves you time so you can earn faster
  • Makes the process clear
  • Increases your earning potential


  • Expensive
  • You won’t get your money back until Amazon starts paying you, which takes time.

Full Course Breakdown

Here are the overall concepts you’ll be learning in the course.

Getting Started

This section is straightforward. You’ll learn what exactly an Amazon influencer is, what you need to do to become an influencer, and how commissions work. Then you’ll learn the key hurdle you must jump to earn commissions on product pages.

  • What is Amazon Influencer?
  • Amazon Influencer Pre-Requisites
  • How Amazon Commissions Work
  • The Linchpin

Qualifying As An Influencer

This is the initial section on how to get approved for the Amazon Influencer program. The crew keeps building upon this as the Amazon program keeps changing, including creating the entire side course “Wake Up Your Socials.” 

  • Anonymous Influencer Approval Guarantee – They’ve added a limited guarantee that they can teach you how to get approved as an Amazon Influencer.
  • Becoming A Content Creator
  • Social Media Content Creation Live Call
  • How To Create [Redacted] Posts on TikTok With Canva – This video in particular teaches a specific niche where you don’t need to show your face that has been very successful in getting brand new social accounts approved for the Amazon Influencer program within a week.
Qualifying As An Amazon Influencer

Setting Up Your Influencer Account

Once you’re in, you’ll learn very quickly that you want to get things right from the start. The Amazon Influencer program is very new and has a lot of frustrating bugs that make it hard to correct your profile after the fact. While it is always changing, I think this section is key for making sure you start off on the right footing.

  • Apply To Amazon Influencer And Setup Your Storefront
  • Set Up Payment Information
  • Store Banner Tutorial
Setting Up Your Influencer Account

Your First Videos. DON'T Skip These Lessons

This section is extremely important for getting approved. It goes through the basics and the specifics you need to know.

  • Basic Lighting & Audio
  • Verbal Framework
  • Content Rules & Regulations
  • Upload on Phone
  • Upload on desktop
  • What Products Qualify for Commissions
  • Upload your videos
Your First Videos. DON'T Skip These Lessons

Shooting Videos

This quick section covers some more hands-on details. Walking you through how to create thumbnails and the easiest tools to quickly edit videos.

  • Thumbnail Creation
  • Basics of Video Editing
Shooting Videos

Getting Past The Wall

Another key section. Getting approved takes some specific steps and there’s a lot you can do while waiting for your approval/rejection notice so you’re prepared either way.

  • How to get approved for commissions
  • Create your bank
  • What To Do If You Get DENIED For Onsite…
Getting Past The Wall

Maximize Your Results

There are five videos in this section to help you improve your commissions. The titles give too much away! To summarize, you’ll learn what products you should be reviewing, how to tag products, and the overall earnings statistics to help you get to the daily commission goal you are trying to reach.

Live Streaming

Live streaming is another way to maximize earnings if you want to do it. There are many people who earn everything as an amazon live influencer. This section breaks down exactly how it works and how you can repurpose that content.

  • What is live streaming on Amazon?
  • How to set up live streaming
Live Streaming

Bonus Section

This bonus section is gold. Videos keep being added on ways to increase earnings, get free products to review, and other ways to get a hold of products without paying full price.

Wake Up Your Socials

This is a side course for those that need help getting into the Amazon Influencer program. Surprisingly, having a huge following can actually hurt your chances of getting in if you haven’t kept up engagement numbers. Many people have gotten into the Amazon Influencer program within a week by starting a brand new social profile using these lessons:

Content 101 – An excellent breakdown on how to create good content that will get engagement and help you build down an audience. They provide formulas, examples, and ways to make both original and recreated content.

Content Research – Helps you find inspiration for your content so you never run out of ideas

Wake Up Your Socials

Repurposing Mastery

This is a side course that gives you a full tutorial on how to repurpose your videos for the highest success rate. It includes best practices, SEO, and automation techniques in 14 in-depth videos.

Repurposing Mastery

Amazing Facebook Group

I cannot tell you how important it is to have a group of people who are in the exact same process that you are. The Facebook Group is GOLD. We are constantly cheering on wins, sharing new changes, and adapting to the Amazon Influencer program together. I learn so much from that group every day and it keeps me motivated to push forward.

Anonymous Influencer Facebook Group

My First 30 Days

I got approved on December 9th, 2022. Once approved, I pushed hard to get as many product review videos uploaded as possible before my kids were out of school for the holiday break. I got 150 videos up by December 16th.

After that, I enjoyed watching my daily commissions as I took a break for the holidays. It took awhile for some of the videos to show up on product pages and there were definite lulls right around Christmas and New Years. BUT I made $1,798.28 in my first 30 days!

My First 30 Days

And my daily commissions have only gone up from there. It is honestly hard for me to work on any other project as this is so exciting.

To Wrap It Up

I cannot recommend this course enough. This “blue ocean” won’t last forever, but I am confident that we have at least a year of easy pickings.

Sign up to watch their full webinar and learn so much more about this.

Amazon is HUGE (350 million products when you include all 3rd party sellers) with new products showing up daily. That is an enormous pie with constant churn. Product pages can also have multiple review videos and the videos rotate when there are too many.

People are starting to try this, but most won’t succeed. I see their attempts and it’s clear that they don’t understand how to get approved by Amazon. This isn’t something I’d want to guess at. I’d rather KNOW how to succeed from the start. That’s why I recommend this course and why I will be working on this side hustle as much as possible. I hope you’ll join me.

Since I share side hustles like affiliate marketing strategies with awesome people like you, my content naturally will contain affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

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